Yellow Robe - A Real Buddhist's Journal

Jan 24th
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Home Books Bhikkhu Pesala

Bhikkhu Pesala

Books by Bhikkhu Pesala

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Biography of Venerable Bhikkhu Pesala

Biography of Venerable Bhikkhu Pesala

Bhikkhu Pesala is the author of and the Spiritual Director of the Association for Insight Meditation, which he set up in 1995 with the help of Christine Fitzmaurice and David Glendinning.

His first contact with Buddhism came through meeting two meditators who had practised the U Ba Khin meditation method with Sri Goenka in India. After an intensive ten-day retreat with Mr John Coleman, the author of »» “A Quiet Mind,” he resolved to dedicate his life to the practice of insight meditation .


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" He who sits alone, lies down alone, walks alone in diligent practice, and alone tames himself should find delight in living in the forest. "

The Dhammapada

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