Yellow Robe - A Real Buddhist's Journal

Jan 24th
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Home FAQs Buddha's Teachings

Buddha's Teachings

Questions about the Buddha's teachings
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# Article Title Hits
1 A lot of people seem to understand the teaching of non-self, but I don't. What can I do to understand this doctrine? 8920
2 Is the teaching of five aggregates the same as the teaching of non-self? 8910
3 A lot of people seem to understand the teaching of non-self, but I don't. What can I do to understand this doctrine? 8796
4 How can one practice the Dhamma so it is like a raft? 8340
5 Why is sensual pleasure not a pursuit for Noble Ones? 9824
6 The Zen school calls its method the "Direct Path to Enlightenment," is it true? 15434
7 Does chanting "Namo Amitaba" actually give next birth to Pure Land? 16497
8 Is the teaching in the Pali Canon reliable? 17024

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" Though he recites much the Sacred Texts (Tipitaka), but is negligent and does not practise according to the Dhamma, like a cowherd who counts the cattle of others, he has no share in the benefits of the life of a bhikkhu (i.e., Magga-phala). "

The Dhammapada

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