Yellow Robe - A Real Buddhist's Journal

Oct 04th
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Search Keyword mahayana canon

Total: 2 results found.

1. Sri Lanka Timeline
(History/Sects and Schism)
According to the Sri Lanka timeline, the Mahayana Canon might have been burnt twice in the course of history. In China, we find that several major sutras have different versions such that they are different ...
Sunday, 15 March 2009
2. The Second Buddhist Council
(History/Buddhist Councils)
The Second Council was called one hundred years after the Buddha's Parinibbāna in order to settle a serious dispute over the 'ten points.' This is a reference to some monks breaking of ten minor rules. ...
Sunday, 15 March 2009

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" The stream of craving flows towards all sense objects; the creeper of craving arises (at the six sense-doors) and fixes itself (on the six sense objects). Seeing that creeper of craving growing, cut off its roots with Magga Insight. "

The Dhammapada

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