Yellow Robe - A Real Buddhist's Journal

Jul 16th
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Majjhima Nikaya

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# Article Title Hits
1 MN 21 Kakacūpama Sutta - The Simile of the Saw 26739
2 MN 20 Vitakkasaṇṭhāna Sutta - The Removal of Distracting Thoughts 24570
3 MN 19 Dvedhāvitakka Sutta - Two Kinds of Thought 22711
4 MN 18 Madhupiṇḍika Sutta - The Honeyball 14067
5 MN 17 Vanapattha Sutta - Jungle Thickets 13195
6 MN 16 Cetokhila Sutta - The Wilderness in the Heart 14864
7 MN 15 Anumāna Sutta - Inference 13171
8 MN 14 Cūḷadukkhakkhandha Sutta - The Shorter Discourse on the Mass of Suffering 10978
9 MN 90 Kaṇṇakatthala Sutta - At Kaṇṇakatthala 10141
10 MN 89 Dhammacetiya Sutta - Monuments to the Dhamma 12731
11 MN 88 Bāhitika Sutta - The Cloak 10240
12 MN 87 Piyajātika Sutta - Born from Those Who Are Dear 10433
13 MN 86 Angulimāla Sutta - On Angulimāla 11074
14 MN 85 Bodhirājakumāra Sutta - To Prince Bodhi 10763
15 MN 84 Madhurā Sutta - At Madhurā 10520
16 MN 83 Makhādeva Sutta - King Makhādeva 11441
17 MN 82 Raṭṭhapāla Sutta - On Raṭṭhapāla 9986
18 MN 81 Ghaṭīkāra Sutta - Ghaṭīkāra the Potter 12958
19 MN 13 Mahādukkhakkhandha Sutta - The Greater Discourse on the Mass of Suffering 9992
20 MN 12 Mahāsīhanāda Sutta - The Greater Discourse on the Lion's Roar 10196
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" Attachment (to sensual pleasures) begets sorrow, attachment begets fear. For him who is free from attachment there is no sorrow; how can there be fear for him? "

The Dhammapada

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