Yellow Robe - A Real Buddhist's Journal

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21. MN 9 Sammādiṭṭhi Sutta – Right View
(Pali Canon/Majjhima Nikaya)
... ‘confidence in the Dhamma, and has arrived at this true Dhamma?” “Indeed, friend, we would come from far away to learn from the venerable Sāriputta  the meaning of this statement. It would be good if ...
Sunday, 27 December 2009
... of the unwholesome. This Dhamma discourse on the Great Forty has been set rolling and cannot be stopped by any recluse or brahmin or god or Māra or Brahmā or anyone in the world. 37. “Bhikkhus, if any ...
Saturday, 05 December 2009
... Blessed One: “It is wonderful, venerable sir, it is marvelous! What is the name of this discourse on the Dhamma?” “You may remember this discourse on the Dhamma, Ānanda, as ‘The Many Kinds of Elements’ ...
Friday, 04 December 2009
... to others, offensive to others, bordering on anger, unconducive to concentration. He is a gossip; he speaks at the wrong time, speaks what is not fact, speaks what is useless, speaks contrary to the Dhamma ...
Friday, 04 December 2009
25. MN 113 Sappurisa Sutta - The True Man
(Pali Canon/Majjhima Nikaya)
... an aristocratic family, yet if he has entered upon the way that accords with the Dhamma, entered upon the proper way, and conducts himself according to the Dhamma, he should be honored for that, he should ...
Friday, 04 December 2009
26. MN 112 Chabbisodhana Sutta - The Sixfold Purity
(Pali Canon/Majjhima Nikaya)
... through final knowledge, this is the nature of his answer: “‘Friends, formerly when I lived the home life I was ignorant. Then the Tathāgata or his disciple taught me the Dhamma. On hearing the Dhamma ...
Friday, 04 December 2009
... Dhamma, created by the Dhamma, an heir in the Dhamma, not an heir in material things,’ it is of Sāriputta indeed that rightly speaking this should be said. 23. “Bhikkhus, the matchless Wheel of the Dhamma ...
Friday, 04 December 2009
... person, who has no regard for noble ones and is unskilled and undisciplined in their Dhamma, who has no regard for true men and is unskilled and undisciplined in their Dhamma, regards material form as ...
Friday, 04 December 2009
... cause for your concord?” “We are not without a refuge, brahmin. We have a refuge; we have the Dhamma as our refuge.” 10. “But when you were asked: ‘Is there, Master Ānanda, any single bhikkhu who was ...
Friday, 04 December 2009
... him count a hundred too. Now is it also possible, Master Gotama, to describe gradual training, gradual practice, and gradual progress in this Dhamma and Discipline?” 3. “It is possible, brahmin, to ...
Friday, 04 December 2009
1. Thus have I heard. On one occasion the Blessed One was living in the Kuru country where there was a town of the Kurus named Kammāsadhamma. There the Blessed One addressed the bhikkhus thus: “Bhikkhus.” ...
Friday, 04 December 2009
32. MN 105 Sunakkhatta Sutta - To Sunakkhatta
(Pali Canon/Majjhima Nikaya)
... thinks: ‘I should teach them the Dhamma.’ Thus it is in this case, Sunakkhatta, that the Tathāgata thinks: ‘I should teach them the Dhamma.’ But some misguided men here formulate a question, come to the ...
Friday, 04 December 2009
33. MN 104 Sāmagāma Sutta - At Sāmagāma
(Pali Canon/Majjhima Nikaya)
... split into two; and they had taken to quarrelling and brawling and were deep in disputes, stabbing each other with verbal daggers: “You do not understand this Dhamma and Discipline. I understand this Dhamma ...
Friday, 04 December 2009
... said this: 2. “What do you think about me, bhikkhus? That the recluse Gotama teaches the Dhamma for the sake of robes? Or that the recluse Gotama teaches the Dhamma for the sake of almsfood? Or that ...
Friday, 04 December 2009
35. MN 101 Devadaha Sutta - At Devadaha
(Pali Canon/Majjhima Nikaya)
... a bhikkhu is not overwhelmed by suffering and does not overwhelm himself with suffering; and he does not give up the pleasure that accords with Dhamma, yet he is not infatuated with that pleasure. He knows ...
Friday, 04 December 2009
The bot provides a random quote from various popular Buddhism books such as the Dhammapada. It is also multi-language! 我還會說中文哦~~~ Type !english or !chinese or future more languages will be added! The ...
Friday, 04 December 2009
37. MN 130 Devadūta Sutta - The Divine Messengers
(Pali Canon/Majjhima Nikaya)
... might wait on that Blessed One, that the Blessed One might teach me the Dhamma, and that I might come to understand that Blessed One’s Dhamma!’ 29. “Bhikkhus, I tell you this not as something I heard ...
Wednesday, 28 October 2009
... Why is that? Because there is no practicing of the Dhamma there, no practicing of what is righteous, no doing of what is wholesome, no performance of merit. There mutual devouring prevails, and the slaughter ...
Wednesday, 28 October 2009
39. MN 128 Upakkilesa Sutta - Imperfections
(Pali Canon/Majjhima Nikaya)
... said, a certain bhikkhu said to the Blessed One: “Wait, venerable sir! Let the Blessed One, the Lord of the Dhamma, live at ease devoted to a pleasant abiding here and now. We are the ones who will be ...
Wednesday, 28 October 2009
40. MN 127 Anuruddha Sutta - Anuruddha
(Pali Canon/Majjhima Nikaya)
... gain for you that you have abandoned your state of doubt and have had the opportunity to hear this discourse on the Dhamma.” Majjhima Nikāya 127 Part Three– The Final Fifty Discourses (Uparipaṇṇāsapāḷi)  ...
Wednesday, 28 October 2009

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" Him I call a brahmana who has no desire either for this world or for the next, who is free from craving and from moral defilements. "

The Dhammapada

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