Yellow Robe - A Real Buddhist's Journal

May 03rd
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... made to determine the market value of the substances composing the human body: iron, calcium and so on. I believe it came to less than one American dollar, and the cost of extracting all those components ...
Tuesday, 07 April 2009
2. What is Dependant Origination
(Teachings/Dependant Originations)
... is called phassa. It is a subtle component of mental life but it shows itself clearly when the object has an unmistakable impact on the mind. For example, we are shocked when we see someone being ill-treated. ...
Monday, 16 March 2009

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" One should follow a man of wisdom who rebukes one for one's faults,, as one would follow a guide to some buried treasure. To one who follows such a wise man, it will be an advantage and not a disadvantage. "

The Dhammapada

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