Yellow Robe - A Real Buddhist's Journal

Oct 04th
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Home FAQs Buddha's Teachings Why is sensual pleasure not a pursuit for Noble Ones?

Why is sensual pleasure not a pursuit for Noble Ones?

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The gratification of the pleasures that arise at our sense doors are bound to change and decay. Similarly, our sense organs are born with a nature to change and decay, and eventually die. If one is mindful of this at all times, one will realize that most of the time in a human's life, we are working for the pleasures of our senses, and this uses up most of our life. We also suffer due to our desires born for these pleasures, therefore we must give up our pursuit and effort for sensual pleasures in order to seek the ultimate security from bondages -- nibbāna .


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" The foolish and the ignorant give themselves over to negligence; whereas the wise treasure mindfulness as a precious jewel. "

The Dhammapada

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