Yellow Robe - A Real Buddhist's Journal

Sep 14th
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Home FAQs Buddha's Teachings A lot of people seem to understand the teaching of non-self, but I don't. What can I do to understand this doctrine?

A lot of people seem to understand the teaching of non-self, but I don't. What can I do to understand this doctrine?

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It is not true that a lot of people understand the teaching of non-self, but it is true that a lot of people claim that they understand. This is particularly true on the Internet discussion forums, such that a lot of people seem to understand what the teaching of non-self is, but they don't.

The teaching of non-self has to be personally realized through the practice of Vipassana meditation. One may acquire an intellectual understanding of the doctrine by reading the section of Non-Self on our website. However, the actual realization is different than one can grasp through reading.


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" "He abused me, he ill-treated me, he got the better of me, he stole my belongings;"... the enmity of those not harbouring such thoughts can be appeased. "

The Dhammapada

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