Yellow Robe - A Real Buddhist's Journal

Dec 02nd
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Home FAQs General Buddhism Do I have to become a vegetarian if I become a Buddhist?

Do I have to become a vegetarian if I become a Buddhist?

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No. You do not have to become a vegetarian if you become a Buddhist. However, many Buddhists who follow the Buddha's doctrine find meat-eating disgusting. The Buddha taught his disciples,

If a bhikkhu sees, hears or suspects that it has been killed for him, he may not eat it. (M.I,369)

And this may serve as a guideline for laymen too.


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" In those who are ever vigilant, who by day and by night train themselves in the three sikkhas (i.e., sila, samadhi and panna), and who have their mind directed towards Nibbana, moral intoxicants become extinct. "

The Dhammapada

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