Yellow Robe - A Real Buddhist's Journal

Jul 16th
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DN 7 Jāliya Sutta - About Jāliya

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1. Thus have I heard. Once the Lord was staying at Kosambī, in the Ghosita Par. And two wanderers, Maṇḍissa and Jāliya, the pupil of the wooden-bowl ascetic, came to him, exchanged courtesies with him and sat down to one side…(verses 1-5= Sutta 6, verses 15-19).

Thus the Lord spoke, and the two wanderers rejoiced at his words.

Dīgha Nikāya 7
Division One – The Moralities
Translated by Maurice Walshe
Contributed by Ariya Zhong


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" Why is there laughter? Why is there joy although (the world) is always burning? Shrouded in darkness why not seek the light? "

The Dhammapada

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