Yellow Robe - A Real Buddhist's Journal

Jul 16th
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... to views, no longer clings to rules and observances, no longer clings to a doctrine of self. When he does not cling, he is not agitated. When he is not agitated, he personally attains Nibbana. He understands: ...
Saturday, 16 January 2010
1. Thus have I heard. On one occasion the Blessed One was living in the Kuru country where there was a town of the Kurus named Kammāsadhamma. There he addressed the bhikkhus thus: “Bhikkhus.” -- “Venerable ...
Tuesday, 26 May 2009
Today is the Buddha’s day- it is the day the Lord was born, attained enlightenment, as well as the day he entered parinibbana. This is the day all the Buddhists around the world should pay due reverence ...
Saturday, 02 May 2009
... Buddha Sayādaw U Pandita (1992) (Serialised with the Sayādaw’s Express Permission) Hosted for    ...
Tuesday, 07 April 2009
5. Instructions to Insight Meditation
... desire should be noted, after which the yogi should go back to noting the sensations of stiffness, heat, etc. `Patience leads to Nibbana', as the saying goes. This saying is most relevant in meditational ...
Tuesday, 07 April 2009
6. The Progress of Insight
... achieves Nibbana and realize the Eightfold Noble’s Path.   Contents (Top) Translator's Foreword Introduction I. Purification ...
Monday, 06 April 2009
... the acceptance of money by monks is not a small fault, and that it can render a monk incapable of attaining Nibbana.   Part 3. The Rules concerning Money The meaning of `money′ in all these ...
Monday, 06 April 2009
8. Site Credits
Webmaster - Yi-Lei Wu   Special Thanks to the Following Buddhism-Related Websites TBSA (Theravada Buddhist Society of America) ...
Saturday, 21 March 2009
9. Books by U Silananda Sayadaw
(Books/U Silananda Sayadaw)
... Ven. Mahasi Sayadaw's "To Nibbana via the Eightfold Noble Path." The Object of Vipassana A talk dedicated to the objects one may meditate on during the Vipassana meditation.  ...
Tuesday, 17 March 2009
10. Books by Mahasi Sayadaw
(Books/Mahasi Sayadaw)
... practice of Vipassana meditation and explanation of the Satipatthana medthod, including how Nibbana is realized through this method of practice. Discourse on Anattalakkhana Sutta, The Discourse ...
Tuesday, 17 March 2009
11. Books by Bhikkhu Pesala
(Books/Bhikkhu Pesala)
... to Hell is Easy A look at the planes of existences and skepticism about the realms of Hell. What is Nibbana This book explains the nature of Nibbana ...
Tuesday, 17 March 2009
12. Biography of Venerable Mahasi Sayadaw
(Books/Mahasi Sayadaw)
... shall hear his words, and those who practiced the True Eightfold Noble Path diligently shall realize Nibbana here-and-now. Yi-Lei Wu November 24, 2003 "While mindfulness and the mental process ...
Monday, 16 March 2009
13. Biography of Venerable Bhikkhu Pesala
(Books/Bhikkhu Pesala)
... Down To Hell Is Easy The Power Of Love What Is Nibbana The Debate Of King Milinda An Exposition Of The Mangala Sutta An Exposition Of The Metta Sutta An Exposition Of The Dhammacakka Sutta ...
Monday, 16 March 2009
Vipassana Meditation - THE METHOD IN BRIEF (BY MAHASI SAYADAW) Eight Factors Fulfilled Every time you note "rising," "falling," "sitting," "touching," "seeing," "hearing," "bending," "stretching," ...
Monday, 16 March 2009
Vipassana Meditation - THE METHOD IN BRIEF (BY MAHASI SAYADAW) Way to Nibbana In spite of his endeavour to contemplate without a break to be able to note the phenomena not less than once in every second, ...
Monday, 16 March 2009
... will carry him on to the actual realization of Nibbana. This is, in short, the practice by way of 'samatha-yanika' for the purpose of realizing Nibbana.  ...
Monday, 16 March 2009
17. Introduction to Vipassana Meditation
Venerable Ashin Silanandabhivamsa (Agga Maha Pandita) [ Biography of the Author ] (from the courtesy of Vipassana meditation is an awareness meditation. It teaches you to be with the ...
Monday, 16 March 2009
18. How to Practice Samatha Meditation
... by a person wishing to meditate by way of Samathayanika as a basis for the realization of Nibbana.  ...
Monday, 16 March 2009
19. What is Threefold Training
(Practice/The Threefold Training)
(BY MAHASI SAYADAW) On coming across the Teaching of the Buddha, it is most important for everyone to cultivate the virtues of moral conduct (sīla), concentration (samādhi), and wisdom (paññā). One should ...
Monday, 16 March 2009
20. What is Meditation
(BY BHIKKHU PESALA) The word meditation in Pali is 'bhāvanā,' and it has a much broader meaning. It means 'mental culture,' and includes all efforts to develop the spiritual side of life. Practising ...
Monday, 16 March 2009
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